Saturday, March 17, 2012

A post, not about beer, but about a blog about beer...

Wow!  I'm really amazed at how many of you have found this blog and how much apparent interest there has been in it!  Thanks! It's a real joy to write these... believe it or not I don't generally drink very much beer! I enjoy trying different beers (well different foods of any kind, to be honest) whenever I can and my wife, the generous soul, frequently buys me beer that she thinks "looks fun" or which she hasn't seen before.

An amazing lunch I once had at Vinoteca (London, UK)
Anyway, a little while ago she said that I should start a list and taking notes of the beers that I've had so that she (and I) could avoid buying the same beer twice if I didn't really enjoy it. Turns out I tend to like most of them.  So I started taking notes. Then I started jotting down some funny/cheeky/interesting stuff about the different beers that I had tried. Next thing I know, I share that list with a couple of buddies who tell me "you should start a blog..." et voila!

So I'm thrilled that you seem to enjoy it! I don't know if it's the beer, or the writing that keeps you stopping by, which kinda reminds me... I think that there is a comment feature which let's you leave... wait for it... your comments! 

So if there is something you'd like me to try to write about, a favourite, or a least favourite beer, I'll do what I can to get my hands on one and give it a go! Perhaps you think I suck, or that I don't know what I'm talking about (I like to call this the "low-hanging-fruit" as I honestly don't know what I'm talking about... but I never said I did...) or, on the other hand if you're my Mom (Hi Mom!) and you'd like to leave an encouraging note, feel free! And I promise I'll read them all...

Anyway guys and gals, thanks again, I now feel that I never truly drink alone (though I often do drink alone). So "Cheers!" "Na zdravi!" "Salut!" "Slainte!" and as always, as my personal favourite anti-drink driving slogan of all time reminds us "If you drink, then drive, you're a bloody idiot!" (Thanks to the TAC, Victoria, Australia) so enjoy yourselves responsibly! Ciao!

Oh, while you're here, coming shortly are "Pumpkin Ale" from Great Lakes Brewery (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), Hobgoblin and Wychcraft from Wychwood Brewery Co. (Witney, Oxfordshire, UK), and Smoked Oatmeal Stout by Trafalgar Ales & Meads (Oakville, Ontario, Canada)... Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Not sure if the Manitoba selection is as vast. We'll have to settle on one or two when you're here in a couple of weeks!
