Sunday, November 24, 2013

Unibroue Grand Réserve 17

Let's make something clear. Adorning a bottle with things like "Belgian", "Trappist Monks", "French Oak", and "Platinum Medal Winner" doesn't tend to leave much to the imagination. Nonetheless my imaginations while toting my new purchase home were full of sugar plums. Lees cloudy. Deep auburn. Molasses scented. A full tenth of mind altering alcohol. This beer might normally and properly be labelled "barley wine" but then the imagination would be as idle as the Canadian Senate. Quebeckers it seems brew beer with the same passion as they apply to college football. Google Laval Rouge et Or. Twelve years in existence. Eight national championships. Beer enthusiasts get in the game, this one is lovely. Ab initio enthusiasts exercise caution and prepare to have your expectations reset. 99/100

Friday, November 15, 2013

Rogue Dead Guy Ale

So after much wringing of hands and what can only be described as a long and agonizing absence for you all, the big beer poobah is back. My apologies. 

The claim that sold me on this bottle (visible in the label shot) of course being "It Glows". Moments after spilling beer all over myself in the dark, it occurred to me that perhaps it was referring to not the beer but the bottle. Slowly but surely I do sometimes get somewhere. (to borrow from the eloquently confident style of Rob Ford)

So yeah the label glows. Kinda, sorta. Big whoop. How's the beer? Good dose of alcohol. Six and a half percent. Cloudy. Ruddy brown. Bitter for the Coors Light confederate. A sniff of yeast. Bit of a wallflower in the micro-brew aisle, one quickly gets a good idea why Mom put this little number in a glow in the dark dress before sending her to the school social. Not a life changing beer by any measure. Six and half points for the C2H6O. Half a point for the "glowing label". Carry the one, multiply by a hundred, seventy. 70/100