Sunday, December 8, 2013

La Trappe Tripel

Before even taking the top off of this tall Dutch beauty I'm struck by what this bottle involves. The contents were brewed by men of silence in the Netherlands before being sent across an ocean and delivered to a shop in my small town in rural Ontario. And it's still remarkably fresh. The only judgment I'm willing to pass on these glorious circumstances is that this arrangement cannot go on indefinitely. We have to break some serious new ground in how we operate as a global society for this level of luxury to persist. Meanwhile, there is beer of remarkable taste to be had so indulge!

La Trappe is a sample of what is becoming my favorite style. Trappist ales are powerfully alcoholic, but more than that they present some of the most nuanced palates and exquisite crafting available in the beer world. There must be something of value in being able to focus on a task in silence.

Cloudy, voluptuous, yeasty. Try it. If you don't love it send me your leftovers.


Saturday, December 7, 2013

County Durham Signature Ale

"British Style" the label confidently proclaims. I've been hurt before. The full bottle shrink-wrap label is a mite tacky. One of the many things I loved about the UK during a trip several years ago was the local ale. Not overly gaseous, full flavored without being brash. Let's see what Durham County Brewing Company means when they say "British Style".

Tart to the point of nearly sour, but softly effervescent and refreshing. The head and the color have an air of high breeding about them. In the end I'd have to agree, British Style is what this is, not quite the genuine article but not Coors Light either.
