Sunday, March 11, 2012

About this blog...

With 25 entries on this blog so far I thought perhaps I'd better explain myself. So, this blog is simple really. It is merely one man's impression of a single sampling of various beers from around the world. Nothing scientific about it. If you are looking for an environmentally controlled, light corrected, discussion of residual sugar, specific gravities and strains of yeast blah, blah, blah... this isn't it.

On the other hand, if you enjoy enjoying beer and enjoy mocking me for my ignorance, then welcome! Pull up a stool, a booth in the back, or a Muskoka chair and tell your friends! The really great features about this beer related activity is there is no cover charge, no bouncers, no line-ups, no restrictions on capacity, and no "Last Call"! Perhaps it would have been a better idea to focus on a region or a style but what the hell... How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time...

So to better explain the various entries and what the info pertains to:

(The name of the beer goes here)
The author (left) and his brother (right) outside of the Red Lion in Mawnan-Smith, Cornwall, UK.
Normally a picture of the beer goes here, but literary vanity being what it is...
(Where the beer comes from goes here) - (The type of beer goes here)
(The date the beer was sampled goes here) – (The alcohol content goes here)

Initial Thoughts

This is where I make comments on the packaging, the appearance (colour, head, et cetera), the smell of the beer, as well as my overall feel given the totality of the aforementioned. 
First Sip
The impression that the beer makes upon the first passing of the lips. Taste or lack thereof, as well as the changing perception of the beer.

Halfway Through

Beer has a frequent tendency to change in flavour and feel as it warms up a little and as the mouth becomes accustomed to the flavours. Again ideas about the quality and personality of the beer are documented here.

Bottoms Up

My closing arguments if you will. A summary, perhaps a recommendation might be found here.
70 / 100 
(Ah yes the score! Not a damned thing scientific about it! Simply me touching the side of my nose and pronouncing a score out of one-hundred that I feel is deserved based on all of the above considerations, and I'm not shy to give a perfect score. So there Mike...)

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