Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Old Tomorrow Monty's Aged Ryed Ale

Monty's Aged Ryed Ale is one of these   products that combines everyone's favourite beverage, beer, with a stay of some duration in an oak barrel whose last occupant was a spirit distillation.  In  Monty's case it is "oak infused with 100% Canadian Rye Whiskey".

Whoa there friend! Colour me surprised! I was expecting a rich, nearly sickly sweet concoction with powerful vanilla notes, but nay! The flavour is very nice. Silky smooth, mildly sweet. By some miracle of fermentation and aging Monty's manages to deliver a thoroughly enjoyable drink. I am reminded immediately of a fine tapioca pudding. Cool, creamy, vanilla and tapioca. I have to say this is entirely unexpected and really very nice.

While the nose is woody and the front of the mouth makes no mistake that this is in fact beer, the back palate is cleverly and friendly tapioca pudding.

If there is anything not to like, I think that the nose can be a bit volatile with genuine oak essence. 

Nonetheless I think that this is the type of experience that a lot of today's beer aficionados are happy to happen upon.

Cheers to Monty's!


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