Brewed by: Weisses Brauhaus G. Schneider & Sohn
Brewed at: Kelheim/Bavaria, Germany
Type: Bavarian Weisse
5.4% A/V
First Impression
I thought that I'd had this before, such is the typically Bavarian styling of the package. Quite dark for a weisse beer, with a beige head. Bottle fermented. Smells fantastically of sweet fruit.
First Sip
A nice, friendly softness of a beer. Bavarian wheat beers tend toward smooth, well rounded edges and Tap 7 is a fine example. Nearly a vanilla bean sweetness.
Half way
The 5.4% and the slightly dark liquid is all bluff. This beer looks like it would steal your lunch money but it is truly as friendly as my neighbors ten year old Golden Retriever. The beer smells markedly better than Riley however.
Bottoms Up
A bottle of Tap 7 should properly be considered a sample. This beer is to be drunk in a licensed premise, out of a chilled, bulletproof-thick, glass; filled from a tap and delivered to your table by a smiling professional. The disappointment I now feel at having only purchased a single bottle for the purpose if this review would be thereby averted. The only thing that could improve this beer would be the knowledge that there was a gloriously frigid keg full of the stuff readily available to produce pint after pint as required.
Seriously? It looks like it would steal your lunch money because it's dark?